April 27/30, 2024, Barcelona, Spain

You might think ‘What is the reason to describe an event as you have the same as last year

A different country means a different venue, culture, suppliers, pricing and different rules and regulations. Keep that in mind, add over 16.000 visitors, a full-size exhibition, a 2.500 pax plenary room, 16 session rooms (including sponsored sessions) and several other small presentation locations, then you probably agree that at a certain level it is like doing it for the first time. And actually…. you would be quite right…

Micemedia - ESCMID Global 2024
Micemedia - ESCMID Global 2024

What did Micemedia provide

If we focus on IT, high quality connectivity on wired and Wifi was vital. We created a full inventory of all Wifi and wired internet- and network connections and its exact specifications to compare these with the venues capabilities and network configuration. Several networks were necessary for the suppliers of registration, the presentation- and streaming networks but also for other partners for, for example, ESCMID TV. Next to this, an excellent Wifi was a ‘must’ as ESCMID had a powerful app that supported voting and also provides in-app streaming video.

We performed a ‘sanity’ check on all ordered connections to ensure nothing was missed and also avoid ordering to much or unnecessary connections. The venues’ quotes were analysed and we checked the IT setup of the venue; Can the venue indeed provide Wifi with the numbers, speed and reliability that ESCMID needs? What is the backup if one or more wired connections fail. How to prevent and address illegal Wifi? What if suddenly more capacity was needed or a problem occurs? And what about exhibitor Wifi? These, and many more questions were addressed and managed by Micemedia.
The pre-event checks were followed by a clear role and communication grid to ensure clear communication onsite during buildup and event.

Audio visual (AV)

Next to IT, Micemedia provided the AV sourcing and management with the same level of detail as on IT. This means analysing and recommending AV suppliers based on the needs of ESCMID. Our AV Production meetings ensured all suppliers and the venue where constantly aligned and informed. This ensured a high-quality preparation, saving cost and avoided assumptions and mistakes.

Important note; Micemedia is an independant company. All contracts from suppliers go directly from the supplier to our client. Micemedia receives no fees nor is Micemedia selling any software or hardware.

Technical directors
In 2024 Micemedia also provided a team of 9 Technical directors. Each technical director is responsible for all technology and speaker management in a room. Micemedia carefully selected, briefed and managed these directors, based on the experience and skills, needed for each room.

The result of working with Micemedia

Throughout the event we could monitor the performance of every important connection. At the peak, over 10.000 clients were flawlessly connected to ESCMID Global Wifi.

With our IT and AV knowledge and experience we are capable of managing any event, no matter how small or large. With our pre-event analysis and onsite management during build-up and event we provide exactly what our clients needed; a high quality performance on all technology during their event. The organiser can fully focus on the event and rely on Micemedia to ensure quality or as we like to say: ‘Our knowledge brings your results’.

Interested? Click on Consultancy or Production for more information about our services or enter your contact details below and we will contact you soon.

Micemedia - ESCMID Global 2024

For any event, anywhere in the world

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